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+91-: 9910779703
| Gurugram, Sector 53

7 Ways to Help your Parents Stay Engaged after Retirement

Retirement can bring a sea-change of unknown challenges to the elderly in their lives after retirement. Though mobile phones, technology, etc. have removed distances, created comforts, and enabled instant and constant contact communications between children and their parents, a personal touch can not be achieved and replaced, especially when it comes to the elderly or old aged parents / those who have retired from work. 

Parents have helped you in their possible manner of resources and time for you to grow and stand on your own feet in life. You are responsible for senior citizen care services of them in their old age; the least any child can do. But many children are challenged, limited or helpless in helping or being with their parents, especially in remaining engaged after retirement. Maybe your work or your physical presence is overseas or work far away.

Below are 7 ways you can help your parents stay engaged after retirement

1.  Listening and talking to your elderly parent/s.

Your old parents need to be talked to from time to time in person. When you listen to them when speaking, they feel engaged, and a sense of belongingness is reassured. If you are living away abroad or in a faraway place, you can ensure their engagement by finding a like-minded similar age group community.

2.  Events, functions, and festival celebrations.

These bring a sense of engagement to the community among the elderly. This keeps the mind lighter, and interest is developed. It helps eliminate or reduce any loneliness. 

3.  Join a club or a similar like-minded elderly age-group circle.

You have some idea about what your old parents like and dislike; keep them engaged in their age-exciting activities, such as playing cards with their circle. 

4.  Engaging in a hobby or any activity of interest.

Many older adults like and are interested in activities like reading, writing, watching TV, gardening, cooking, walking, drawing/painting, volunteering for social work, caring for pets, etc. This should continue in old age. 

5.  Match like-minded elderly with your old parents.

Other than clubs or elderly groups, try to find nearby people who like to stay together and build a community. Artha paid luxury old age home elderly homes accommodate some 32 homes on one premise. Your old parents are bound to find like-minded elderly here, who may even be with similar backgrounds. 

6.  Encashing the experience and wisdom of the elderly.

Elderly parents who have been so rich in experience and know-how in their respective professions in life can help the younger generations and others, such as by taking classes online or in person.

7.  Travel and outings.

Many elderly luxury old age home in Gurgaon and organizations organize elderly tours and travels. These could be short trips or longer ones. 

8.  Leverage technology and entertainment.

Besides video phone calls with your parents, your parents can keep themselves engaged in community activities like watching movies together, engaging in some personal development skills for the needy or children or an NGO, etc.


Every older adult is unique and has his or her specific needs in old age. Some elderly are introverted, while others are outgoing or extroverted. Some are mentally strong or more balanced, while others need attention and day care center for old age . It may be mentally related or physically related, or both. Addressing this need means complete 100% care and attention in every moment in time of the elderly. At Artha’s elderly assisted living, every aspect is taken care of. To witness and get a feel of the Artha premises, and for directions to the elderly homes, call +91 9910779703

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