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+91-: 9910779703 | | Gurugram, Sector 53

+91-: 9910779703
| Gurugram, Sector 53

Health checkups, 24/7 monitoring as a feature of assisted living at Artha for seniors.

Artha senior care: The care for the elderly they deserve.

Senior citizen care services: Within India, senior citizens & older people often struggle with severe & debilitating medical conditions. The vulnerability of the population compounds the suffering & health complications.

Due to the senior population requiring active monitoring and intervention. Many families’ elderly are unable to be constantly taken care of by their children or loved ones due to the children having moved away or are in employment. This can leave a vulnerable and significantly sized elderly population mostly alone and unable to gain the support, care, and love they require from individuals.

Do you have an elderly or loved one afflicted with an illness that requires 24/7 monitoring? Cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, COPD, and even cancer are some of the overpowering illnesses that can plague even the most vulnerable sections of our population.

Artha provides 24/7 healthcare monitoring within our provision for Senior citizen home care services

As the vulnerable population requires active monitoring and intervention. Many families have elderly people who are unable to be constantly taken care of by their children or loved ones due to the children having moved away or are in employment. This can leave a vulnerable and significantly sized elderly population mostly alone and unable to gain the support, care, and love they require from individuals.

Do you have an elderly or loved one afflicted with an illness that requires 24/7 monitoring? Cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, COPD, and even cancer are some of the overpowering illnesses that can plague even the most vulnerable sections of our population, at Arthas’ provision for Paid luxury old age home.

Artha provides 24/7 healthcare monitoring within our provision for Senior citizen home care services. 

Introduction: Senior care with 24/7 health component:

Seniors may be afflicted with various illnesses & conditions that require management and 24/7 monitoring. At Artha, we provide 24/7 health monitoring for seniors enrolled within our facility. Individuals who have diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, heart disease, and COPD often require constant monitoring and even intervention.

Are you considering a nursing home or a nursing home for seniors with conditions that require 24/7 monitoring?

Luxury old age home in Gurgaon: Inform, engage and contact Artha Senior Care Gurgaon.   

Holistic assisted living: Artha Senior Care.

What conditions do older people & seniors have that can require 24/7 monitoring? How does Artha provide 24/7 intervention? How is it utilized in assisted living towards seniors, retirees & individuals in assisted living programs?

Active monitoring of elderly with health conditions:

Often, many health conditions require active monitoring & intervention.

Ready to learn more? Take the first step and connect with us at Artha Senior Care.

At Artha Senior Care, 24/7 is one of our provisions for seniors and old age incumbents, within our varied and extensive experience in therapeutic and holistic care for individuals in assisted living.

Our holistic care encompasses not only primary medical treatment that addresses the underlying medical condition via our link & services of general practitioner visits & diagnosis (doctor visits)

Luxury old age home in Gurgaon: Artha, a service provider enabling quality living for your loved ones in their golden years.  

Blood pressure: An individual’s blood pressure can affect their overall health; individuals and the elderly often may be diagnosed with hypertension or blood pressure issues, including low blood pressure. At Artha, a provision exists among the staff for actively monitoring blood pressure. Since the senior citizen population requires an increased frequency of health monitoring & checkups daily, it is within Artha’s provision to enable services to complement the requirements of the senior citizen population.

Diabetes care:

Artha provides diabetes care and checkups, as our commitment to a disease seemingly affecting numerous elderly, seniors and loved ones is gaining prominence within the Indian subcontinent. Diabetes care at Artha includes blood glucose monitoring and the use of external facilities.At Artha, we function among various other roles, as a day care center for old age.