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+91-: 9910779703 | | Gurugram, Sector 53

+91-: 9910779703
| Gurugram, Sector 53

 Is Assisted Living a Boon or curse for the Elderly?


“Give yourself entirely to those around you. Be generous with your blessings. A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.”

–         Steve Maraboli

The status of neglected elderly in India varies from region to region or place to place. Some of the elderly are well taken care of and are living and leading a happy old age life, while others are lonely and suffer from depression, isolation, stress, etc., with physical and or mental problems. Elderly homes are a boon for those old parents whose children are far away and are living alone, among other reasons. 

In modern and at times demanding busy times, many children do not have the time to give to their old parents and take care of them. 

To mention some of the advantages of old parents living in elderly homes, which is a boon, are

  • Safety and security. 

Given the increased population and crime rate, parents are safest in elderly home care premises. Round-the-clock surveillance and cameras are covered on the premises that come in use, especially in emergencies.  

  • Social and emotional support.

Chances are the elderly can never feel lonely or isolated in the elderly home premises as there are many others near the same age groups elderly to interact with. 

  • Physical and mental care.

Doctors are called on-premises, periodic checkups are conducted, and in-house physiotherapy room, among others, are features and facilities that should be within the premises to attend to the elderly, especially on short notice. 

What are some of the demerits of Assisted Living for the elderly?

The personal factor.

Some elderly miss their children or circle so much that it takes them a lot of time to adjust to new premises, especially when their children or close ones are not around, away or not there. 

Adjusting to new surroundings.

Some of the elderly find it difficult to adjust, acclimate, or adapt to new surroundings, especially when they have lived in their previous homes for decades. 

Need more personal attention.

Some of the elderly need more attention as they are not able to open up and mix around with others in the Assisted Living  homes. 


There are limited options when it comes to the best and most assured quality elderly living homes, where all essential services in a homely atmosphere are provided under one roof. Artha Assisted Living is one such classic example where we have only one aim: to deliver the best possible care for the physical and mental well-being of the elderly staying at the premises. 

For some elders, shifting to a new home and adjusting to the surroundings can take a bit of time. Nevertheless, the trained and experienced staff at the Artha Assisted Living  leave no stone unturned in the endeavour to keep the elderly happy and try their best to fulfil and take care of detail to make them feel and absorb the homely atmosphere.

Artha Assisted Living is like a community living where the same age bracket group of elderly interact and live in harmony. To know more and get a firsthand feel of Artha Assisted Living  home, call +91 9910779703.

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