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+91-: 9910779703
| Gurugram, Sector 53

The technological divide: Reasons aiding deterrence that result in exclusion within technology amongst senior citizens (Part 01)

The elderly and ageing sections of the population have relative difficulties utilising technology and adapting to digitisation. The effects are vastly detrimental to the quality of their lives and well-being. Helping them overcome this deficit can improve life care outcomes for these individuals, significantly enhancing the quality of their lives within assisted living and for their personal lives and interactions as well.

Digitisation has not reached or penetrated a significant majority of the section of the elderly population. Artha: a provision for senior citizen home care services.

Some difficulties these individuals face:

·  Inability to understand technology: The elderly may not know what devices and digital technology function for or how to use them. Most individuals would not seek to address these deficits in their knowledge. There is a widespread lack of education aimed at individuals at grassroots levels unless they are specifically enrolled in school or secondary or tertiary institutes of education. Within Gurgaon, Artha is renowned five star old age home.

·  Inability to afford technological devices: The elderly and senior citizens may not have the requisite ability to purchase technology services, devices,  or the requisite educational courses. Thus, they are among a significant majority of the population locked out of the digital economy due to not having effective demand or any demand.

·  Lack of familiarity with technology: The elderly may not have any prior experience or training in/familiarity with technology. This lack of understanding may be the root driver of older people’s difficulties with technology. As a paid luxury old age home, there are various difficulties encountered by individuals being enrolled here, but we provide the requisite support at a personal level for the elderly with regards to technology.

·  Prior attitudes and hostility: They may have a deep-rooted suspicion of technology and the digital transformation in society. Among various individuals, technology is mistrusted due to political, religious, and economic reasons. In general, most individuals are hostile to the emergence of technology, mainly due to the disruptions it causes within fundamental industries and the inability of these individuals to interact with and operate technologies. There are ongoing shifts and transformations in the labour market that are also actively opposed by individuals, as technology has the potential to uproot and replace human beings. Among various aspects inculcated and cultivated, in senior citizen care services, there is always a consideration of the generational divide, prior attitudes and possible resultant hostility or emotional issues associated with the senior citizen/elderly.

·  Prior experience of technological failure: Failures in the internet, technology, networks and digital devices, as previous experiences, are registered among various individuals, and these experiences are developed as gospel. Individuals, in general, are not prone to trusting technology and digital technology if they experience a catastrophic failure firsthand associated with it.

·  Inability to relate to the populations that are proficient in technology: The elderly & senior citizen population may not be able to relate to the populations that are proficient in technology. They may see these demographics as young, not possessing wisdom, and lacking experience, and they may posit valid observations about the populations proficient in technology. There needs to be a valid methodology to develop a connection between fundamentally different demographic groups; trust is even more challenging to establish.

·  May not have access to technology and digital transformation: Individuals, such as the elderly and senior citizens, may not possess the requisite access to technology. Devices, such as smartphones, are devices in and of themselves. Using them requires the operators to be able to access these devices and install and use the requisite software. Technology remains a tool, and it can be difficult without the use and deliberate attempts to use it. Vast sections of the elderly and senior citizens may not have access to technology, be unable to operate it, or utilise skills required to use it effectively. Possession of home appliances, computers and devices does not guarantee their effective utilisation or learning. Learning the tools of technology, software, construction, maintenance, and digital engineering are lifelong endeavours that require years, significant time, effort and budgets. They may live in geographical locations or towns or cities where such technologies have marginal to little penetration. Thus, it is strictly unlikely for any culture or knowledge about digitisation or technology to exist within their midst. Artha is your solution for a day care center for old age, functioning to match, deliver, & even exceed your requirements for care that your loved ones deserve. We aim to understand the senior citizen & elderly population in order to integrate solutions for their unique challenges.